About our clinic
Physiotherapy is a suitable form of treatment for many musculoskeletal complaints. On the following page you will find out more about the most common complaints that we treat in our practice. The information is general to provide an initial overview. It is not a substitute for a thorough medical examination. If you have any questions about the complaints described or other complaints, our therapists will be happy to help you.

Head, neck and jaw
We specialize in the treatment of back pain and offer holistic therapy to relieve pain and restore mobility.

Our practice is geared towards effectively treating orthopedic problems and accompanying patients on their road to recovery.

arms and legs
The joints are particularly stressed during intensive sporting activities. This can result in cruciate ligament tears, tennis elbow, supination trauma or tears in the rotator cuffs. The aim of prevention is to stabilize the joints so that damage cannot occur in the first place. Following an injury, therapy must be adapted to the healing process in order to restore full resilience. After years of prolonged strain, osteoarthritis can also develop.