How may we help you?
How to become a patient with us
Would you like to take the first step towards better health? Make an appointment now at our physiotherapy practice - simply online or by phone. We understand that acute complaints require immediate help, so we will endeavour to offer you an appointment as soon as possible.
In our practice, we take enough time for you to carefully analyze your symptoms and select the appropriate form of therapy. You will also receive individual exercises to do at home, as your cooperation is essential for the success of the physiotherapy.
We are at your side not only during the therapy sessions, but also afterwards. If you have any questions, we are available at any time. Take the first step towards a pain-free life and make an appointment with us today!
Our physiotherapists
Physiotherapy in Salzburg

The Salzburg Physiotherapy Center specializes in the treatment of orthopedic and surgical conditions.
Back pain, herniated discs, neck pain,
Headaches, cruciate ligament tears,
Shoulder impingement or pain in the jaw joint are among the most common complaints that occur in our practice.
Our practice in Salzburg

Aktives Handeltraining im Phyiozentrum Salzburg

Behandlungsraum im Physiozentrum Salzburg. Wir sind in der Stieglstraße 7.

Unser Trainingsraum in der Stieglstraße 7

Aktives Handeltraining im Phyiozentrum Salzburg
Our modern physiotherapy practice is located in the Maxglan district of Salzburg and is easily accessible by public transport. In addition to four fully equipped treatment rooms, we also have a spacious training room available for physiotherapy. This training room is equipped with classic equipment such as cable pulleys and wall bars and a modern Galileo vibration plate. Numerous dumbbells, coordination trainers and small equipment complete the range of services.
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